[ietf83-tech] 6th floor iStumber before changes

Michal Krsek michal at krsek.cz
Mon Mar 26 11:30:22 PDT 2012

>> Radios off on floors 2-6. Wej and I are testing on 4, sending bz to test on
>> 3. Not sure where to go from here. Do the rest of the floors or test
>> overnight on 2-6?
> So I am on 3 in 329 now.  it only took for lik3  secodns aftr leaving
> the elevator for my ssh to resync.  It was all good until I entered my
> room and lcosed the door at which point it hang.  Sitting at my desk
> at the window I am typing remotely at a level I htink I did not even
> had the Tuesday afternoon I had arrived.  This definitively feels
> better currently.

Chris do you see if load to AP become significantly higher?


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